The most common question asked by parents is “How can I support my child?”. Parents often worry that they might be teaching their child ‘the wrong way’. We believe that any engagement from parents with their child’s learning, adds an incredible amount of value. We have spoken to parents about the best way we can help them support their child’s learning and the most common request was, simple and quick.  We often hold workshops for parents to attend which proves a great help to our parents. We hope you find the information below helpful – happy learning!


Reading is at the heart of our learning and teaching and essential to every area of the curriculum. It is through literacy that concepts are formed, and we are able to make sense of the world and our place in it. Children are taught to read in a variety of ways.

We want children to develop a love of reading, so we immerse ourselves in books, we use our library and we read books every day. We would ask parents to spend some time each day sharing a book with their child each day.


We use Phonics as the strategy to help children read. We teach phonics and reading daily because in order to learn in the other subject areas, they need to be able to unlock the code.

We use Read Write Inc as our phonics programme and each day children learn a new sound and learn how to blend the sounds to read words.


Learning spellings doesn’t have to be boring! Below you can find a variety of ways to try learning your spellings:

Times Tables

Being able to recall your times tables quickly will really benefit you in a variety of maths questions. Here you will find different resources to help you learn your times tables:

  • Blank multiplication grids for you to print off and fill in
  • Chanting videos
  • Pop songs where the lyrics have been changed to help you learn the times table facts

There are many other resources available on websites and apps as well.